Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a viral disease of cats caused by certain strains of a virus called the feline coronavirus. Most strains of feline coronavirus are found in the gastrointestinal tract and do not cause significant disease. In some cases, FIP virus mutates into a progressive & fatal disease.

At just 10 weeks old, Ceviche & Arroz we’re diagnosed with ‘wet’ FIP. They had fluid filled bellies and stopped growing. They had constant diarrhea & were not doing well. Blood work confirmed the worst & we immediately started them on an injectable antiviral. This medication is still in trials but has been working well for them. Within 3 weeks they started to grow & started to have their kitten energy back. They’re most of the way through their 84 day treatment period & will [hopefully] start the relapse observation soon! If you’d like to donate to the cost of their medication please feel free to contact us or visit our “fund our care” page! We truly appurrrciate all of our donors!

Arroz & Ceviche at 4 weeks old!

Ceviche on day 65!


Arroz on day 60! [8/5/2021]

Arroz & Ceviche at 6 weeks old!

Last shots!

Ceviche’s last shot on 8/31/2021 at 23 weeks old!

Arroz’s last shot on 9/5/2021!
